
Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Three Upcoming Blog Events

You might have noticed these in my sidebar, but I thought I'd quick do a real post on them too.  I'll be participating in two three blog events this month, one two of which I just signed up for today.

First will be the Rudolph Valentino Blogathon on March 15, hosted by Timeless Hollywood.  I'll be reviewing one of my favorite Valentino movies, The Eagle (1925).  It's kind of a Russian sort of Zorro story, and loads of fun.

And then comes the Goldblum Fest, which runs March 23-29, hosted by Musings of an Introvert.  I'l be reviewing the wonderful western Silverado (1985) for that one.  It's one of my Ten Favorite Westerns, and I can't wait to watch it again so I can do a proper review.

And finally, there's the Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon, which runs March 27-29 and is hosted by A Shroud of Thoughts.  I hadn't considered joining this blogathon until I discovered that no one was writing about Combat!, and we can't have that.  So I'll be writing about "The Walking Wounded," of course.

Both All of these blog events are open to more participants, so if you're interested in joining them, please click on the links I've provided either here or in my sidebar to learn more.


  1. And how come I haven't seen The Eagle?? That sounds totally like a fun movie. I'm thinking of doing the Goldblum Fest as well. I was thinking Silverado or Grand Budapest Hotel, so that makes the decision easy. :-D

    1. Um, cuz I bought "The Eagle" as part of a collection, it's not on our J disc.

      Glad I made your decision easy! I had forgotten his part of GBH -- isn't that awful?

  2. Ahaha. Jeff Goldblum. Hahaha.


    Can't wait for your Silverado review!!! It's one of my favorite westerns as well. :-)

    1. You changed your name! I was like, "Who is this Emma, Plain and Tall person?" and then I read your comment, and realized you must be Emma Jane with a new name :-) It's cute! I like it. Those books are really great.

      Silverado is wonderful!

  3. ... Goldblum was in a western?!

    I'm going to have to read whatever you write about it, just to get the scoop on that. Haha.

    1. Hee! Indeed he was. Playing a cardsharp :-D

    2. *snort* He seriously plays a cardsharp? That is HILARIOUS!

      Now I'm going to have to watch it. Is it part of the Lonesome Dove series? I swear my parents own it. I'll have to go raid their dvds.

    3. In a very Goldblummy way -- he's nicknamed Slick, wears the most enormous buffalo coat ever, and carries a knife in his boot.

      It's not at all related to Lonesome Dove. JG is kind of a side character -- it's mostly about Kevin Kline and Scott Glenn, and also Danny Glover and Kevin Costner.

  4. I haven't seen a Valentino film in ages, but I did like both of his Sheik movies. I think I also saw Blood & Sand? Was that him?

    The blogathon for favorite tv episodes sounds interesting! I think I'll do one for I Love Lucy. Can't let that show be forgotten!

    1. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I love both Sheik movies. Love love love love those. And yes, the original Blood and Sand is Valentino too. There's a remake with Tyrone Power I haven't seen yet.

      So cool that you'll be joining up! I love I Love Lucy :-)


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