
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

MEMM Day 05 - Favorite soundtrack

No contest.  When I want to listen to some Middle Earth music, I pull out the soundtrack for The Fellowship of the Ring.  I have to remind myself that there's good music on the other five soundtracks too, and make myself listen to them sometimes too.  I've been making a conscious effort to listen to the others right now, and I'll admit that The Battle of the Five Armies has been getting pretty heavy rotation lately, but still, The Fellowship of the Ring remains my clear favorite.


  1. Amen. I'm totally with you on this one. I just love the hopeful vibe of the music in general. 'T'is amazing.

    1. Yes! It really has a hopeful vibe. Back when FOTR first came out, my lit professor told me she loved listening to the soundtrack while house-cleaning because it had such a good energy.

  2. Yep, the score to Fellowship never gets old! It is fantastic.

  3. Fellowship does have a wonderful soundtrack! I love all The Shire/hobbit music, as it makes me feel safe. <3

    1. It's definitely the happiest of all of them, isn't it. Got lots of cheerful parts :-)


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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