
Sunday, February 08, 2015

MEMM Day 03 - A location you love

My favorite Middle Earth location has always been Rivendell.  Right from my first viewing of FOTR, when I said, "That's where I want to hang out!"  It's peaceful, with plenty of opportunities for solitude, not to mention lots of books for reading and everything you need to do some writing.  It seems very restful and relaxing.  And I also love the architecture!  All graceful curves, lots of trees and sunlight and water.

I think if I ever went to Rivendell, when I first saw it, I would look just like Bilbo did:

So I've gone a little nutty with the screencapping, and here follows a tour of Rivendell.

And once I'd spent a few days there, I'd probably start looking like this:

Just for fun, here's a behind-the-scenes video from when they were filming scenes in Rivendell for The Hobbit.  WARNING:  I did hear one muffled expletive.  There may have been others I didn't catch -- I was watching this with the volume pretty low because my kids were still asleep.


  1. Rivendell is just so gorgeous. So lovely. Great screenshots.

    1. And I wanted to do more screencaps, specifically on Arwen's room from ROTK, but... 32 is already a bit much. And I didn't even post all the ones I did take. Sigh.

  2. RIVENDELL. Love.

    Okay, I absolutely LOVE that Aragorn is just sitting reading a book in that one scene when Boromir comes in. For some reason, that makes me really happy;)

    1. So... what's your take on why he's hanging out there? The light's pretty crummy for reading -- does he like just being near Narsil sometimes? It was the only quiet corner he could find because of all the guests partying it up elsewhere? It's cool that he's just quietly reading, but I've always kind of wondered why he's precisely there, other than to have a conversation with Boromir about relics.

    2. Hahaha that's absolutely true! I'd actually never thought about it, but yeah, I'm guessing it had something to do with being ever so slightly reclusive at times;D Oh, the things movie-makers will do to make a plot point come neatly together=D

    3. Well, Aragorn grew up in Rivendell, so it might just be a favorite spot of his, near the sword of his forefather. Maybe he was reading and enjoying the solitude after supper and didn't notice/care that it was getting dark. Or... maybe he and Arwen had made plans to meet there, and Boromir simply happened by before Arwen arrived.

  3. Great choice! Rivendell is my favorite Elven location I think, but I don't know if I could choose one for an overall favorite! Rivendell's so beautiful though. I love the architecture too, and how it's a good sized city but it feels like a part of nature at the same time. :)

    1. I'm rather fascinated by the fact that there are very few doors. Like it's just magically always the right temperature in Rivendell. I believe it would be.

  4. I love Rivendell! Thank you for you beautiful tour. I don't think I could see enough pictures of Rivendell until I actually saw it in person. :)

    1. You're welcome! And yes, I think it would be years before I was weary of just looking at everything! I think that room with all the papers and books sort of strewn about is my favorite.


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