
Friday, September 19, 2014

A Piratical Blogathon!

Avast there!  This be me 800th post on this blog!  And what be a better way to celebrate than with a tankard of grog and me very first blogathon :-)

Here they be -- a host of swashbuckling blog posts by as scurvy a crew of bilge rats (including meself) as ye've ever seen.  I hope ye enjoy reading each others' posts!  Don't forget to be leaving comments fer each other, just like ye'd like them to do fer yer post.

Along the Brandywine -- The Sea Hawk
Fiction Predilection -- Treasure Island
Flowers of Quiet Happiness -- Pirates and Prejudice by Kara Louise
A Free Mind -- Captain Blood
Hamlette's Soliloquy -- The Black Swan 
High Noon -- Yankee Buccaneer
J and J Productions -- The Princess Bride
Miss Daydreamer's Place -- The Pirates!  In an Adventure with Scientists
Reading in the Dark -- Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson 
Sidewalk Crossings -- Cutthroat Island
Sidewalk Crossings -- DKoren and Hamlette chat about Pirates of the Caribbean
The Story Girl -- Arabella Bishop, forgotten heroine from Captain Blood

And don't be forgettin' that today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Here be a button that'll link ye to the official ITLAPD website's handy guide to adding a bit of swash and buckle to yer speechmaking.

Me thanks go to each of ye fine swains and wenches fer yer participation.  Now hoist the Jolly Roger and bring me that horizon!


  1. A word to participants -- I be settin' sail this morning to loot and pillage the Spanish Main. I've linked to yer main blog pages fer the time being, but when I've time this afternoon, I'll be linkin' to yer specific posts. Savvy?

  2. Hamlette,
    I actually put my review up on High Noon, so (if you haven't seen it yet) here's the link:

    Thank you so much for hosting this blogathon! :)

    1. Ahoy! I find meself with a wee bit of extra time (me crew did not mutiny during their mess this morning, unlike their usual scurvy ways), so I've got yours linked!

  3. Ahoy! Thanks for hosting the Blogathon! My review of the Princess Bride of up and ready to go.


    1. Ahoy! My thanks to ye for a fine review of one of me favorite movies. I'll be commenting on yer post later, as we're about to haul anchor, but I did manage to swap links to go directly to yer post.

  4. Eight hundred posts!!! Congratulations, Hamlette!! This was such a fun way to celebrate, good idea! :)

    (And seriously, you could keep the pirate-y style speech you've picked up, it's quite fun. :D)


    1. Arrrrrrr, well, I've been participating in ITLAPD fer at least 8 years now, so I be a bit practiced in the fine art of pirate-speak. Me little boatswains find Pirate Mommy to be jolly fun, and we sailed all around Target just now, Arrrrrrr-ing and Avast-ing in fine form.

      Next month be the twelfth anniversary fer this blog. Boggles the mind, it does.

  5. Wow, 800! Congrats Hamlette! :D

    I'm enjoying reading all the pirate-y reviews, me hearties!

    1. Thankee, Sarah! I knew 800 was luffing up on the horizon, and managed to time the blogathon fer it somewhat accidental-like.

      It's glad I be that ye're enjoying the posts! I hope ye leave a comment or two on the ones ye especially like :-) I think it'll take me a few days to read them all, arrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  6. Thanks, Hamlette for hosting this blogathon! I have really enjoyed participating and reading all the various entries. It all makes me want to jump on a ship and head for tropic waters immediately!

  7. It occurred to me too late that I have some great accompanying music for your pirate party, so I posted on my blog if you wanna check it out. This is fun reading. :-)

    1. I LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing -- that is just completely awesome. I've heard a few other Peter Hollens songs, and wow, so talented and original!

  8. Congratulations on your 800th post!!! And for hosting this most...exciting blogathon! (I was going to say "lovely", but it didn't seem to fit the subject. ;-))

    I've got a super busy weekend here, but I'm very much looking forward to delving into all the swashbuckling posts come Monday. :-) Hope all is going well!

    1. Thanks! It's kind of a staggering number, isn't it?

      Enjoy the piratey goodness when you get a chance! I have a calm weekend for once -- whew!!!

  9. 800?! Wow! That's pretty awesome! Congrats. :) And also, thanks! This was so much fun. And I loved reading everyone's posts. Only now I've got lots of movies I need to watch. ;)

    1. Yup, 800. Pretty crazy. Thanks!

      And I'm glad you've enjoyed the blogathon :-) That IS the bad part about this sort of event though -- always adds to my to-watch and/or to-read piles.

  10. ARG! AHOY MATEY! (I would go on, but I have pirates glaring at me for my attempts.) Someday I'm going to get the courage to do this at work.

    1. Hee! I used to do it when I worked at Walmart. Not all night, or to customers, but with various coworkers. Great fun!

  11. So sorry, Rachel! Best laid plans. As Charity already told you and I should have, we were in Branson that day. I had hoped to write the post beforehand, but it just didn't happen. But I will hop on and read through the posts when I get the chance! And congrats on your 800th post! Milestones are exciting!

    1. I kind of figured you might be gone with her. No big! I promise I'm not mad. I hope you enjoy all the piratey posts!


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