
Wednesday, June 04, 2014

And Just When Rabbit Began to Think He Would Never Be Able to Use His Front Door Again...

I've been published!

Being a freelance writer like I am is kind of a weird way to live, creatively.  I mean, I do a lot of other creative things that people can see the product of right away.  I cook a meal, and there it is, you can eat it.  I bake cookies, and you can devour one.  I crochet a baby blanket, and you can see it as it grows under my fingers.  I write a story or a novel or an article, and you don't see anything until it's finished and revised, and revised again, and put somewhere where I can share it, like a website or a magazine issue.

Which means when I'm working on writing projects (my sixth novel and two fanfic stories at the moment), there's a lot of time where no one sees that I've got anything going on.  And then people ask me if I'm "still writing" and I'm like, "Yeah, I am."  And then comes the, "Oh, good!  What have you written lately?" question, and I'm more like, "Um... well... wrote a fanfiction story that's up on the website I co-run..."

So yeah, this post is me saying, "Lookee!  I really am writing stuff still!"  In fact, I've just had an article published in the May/June issue of an online magazine called Femnista.

I've been reading the magazine for about a year, following links from various blogs I read.  And the editor-in-chief, Charity, put out a call a couple months ago for new writers because some of her writers have moved on and she needed fresh voices.  So... now I'm writing for an online magazine!  And not just any magazine, but one aimed at nerdly Christian women -- could it be a more perfect fit?  I think not!

In other words, go read the new issue here!  My article is about Martin and Katie Luther, and how their marriage was an important part of the Reformation.


  1. Congrats to you! Femnista is an awesome community of talent and friends - have fun. :)

    1. Thanks! And you know, I think your blog is where I first encountered Femnista!

  2. Awesome! Congratulations! This looks like a really interesting magazine. I'm off to read your article now! :-)


    1. Thanks! It's a very fun magazine -- check out the back issues too for more goodness!

  3. So exciting...congratulations!! And I love reading/hearing about Martin and Katie Luther. Such a wonderfully intriguing story and couple. I'll definitely be checking out your article! :-)

    1. Thanks! I hope you dig it. They were such an unusual and powerful couple, weren't they? We actually considered naming our first daughter Katerina VonBora after her.

    2. I read it! It was very well-written and I really enjoyed it. :-)

      And neat... It would make a very good, meaningful name. I haven't been blessed with being able to name babies yet, but I love mullling over names in general...and that's another wonderful perk of writing, right? You can have all sorts of fun playing around with them. :-)

    3. Thanks! I'm happy you liked it :-)

      I love naming characters! Though anymore it's less like I choose a name for them and more like they tell me what it is, for the main characters anyway. But sometimes the stubborn ones I just have to choose names for. And the minor characters, like the Expendable New Guys in my Combat! fanfic, I can name with great relish, often after characters in other shows or books or just names I've always liked.

      I find I'm really drawn to names that start with J. Do you have any patterns you've noticed?

    4. Yes, exactly! For me, E's keep reappearing. With my last book, I actually had quite a few J's, too (which I only fully realized afterwards) and which seem to have been succeeded by C's in my current WIP -- along with the ever-present E's. :-) Surnames keep wanting to be H's and W's.

    5. Es! Very fun. A writer friend of mine loves C names. Isn't it funny how that works? I lean toward Ss too, and girl names that end with a Y, like Lucy and Amy.

      An odd name-related thing is how many characters (not written by me) that I love are named James. It started when I was 3 when i fell in love with the movie The Man from Snowy River and the main character, Jim Craig. Then came Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek, James West on The Wild, Wild West, James Bond, Wolverine was born either James Howlett or James Logan (depending on what series you're reading/watching), and I was in raptures when Lost revealed that my beloved Sawyer's first name was James.

  4. Awesome!! Congrats! Definitely going to go and check it out :)

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy the whole magazine :-) Cuz you needed more things to read, right?

  5. oooh I am SO going to have to read this. And on the Luthers, too? *squeal*

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy it -- the whole magazine is lots of fun. Check out the back issues too! There's one with Captain America on the cover...

  6. Yeah, I'm so happy you've joined the ranks of Femnista! I love writing for Charity's magazine, and there's always an endless supply of writing options. :)

    I'll have to read your article this week. Absolutely love Martin Luther!

    1. Thanks! I'm happy too. Charity is such a kind editor :-) I'm already working on my article for the next issue -- so fun!

      Your article was very informative -- I've heard of Compassion International, but didn't know the story behind it. So cool!

  7. (Typical. I see this on my blogroll, then the internet dies for two days thanks to a lightning strike, leaving me unable to comment until now!)

    Thanks for writing for me! I really enjoy your work. It's so polished when I get it, I have to do very little to improve it!

    What kind of fanfiction do you write? And what kinds of novels? I didn't realize you did either and now I'm curious! :)

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for having me. I'm glad you're liking my stuff so far.

      I write fanfic for a 1960s TV show called Combat! that is set during WWII in France after the D-DAY invasion (that happened 70 years ago today! Post coming about that if I can ever finish it this afternoon). I've also done two crossovers that join Combat! and the Buffy spinoff Angel. You can read them all on the fansite I co-run, Fruit Salad. My solo C! stories are on the "Hot Joe" page, the crossovers are on the "Crossroads" page, and the stories my friend and I have co-written are on the "Rendezvous Point" page. (My call sign is White Queen because my favorite character's call sign on the show is White Rook.) It just so happens that I posted a brand-new story TODAY! It's called "The Beaten Way of Friendship," and you can go directly to it here.

      As for novels, I've written 2 standalones and a trilogy set in present-day and aimed at adults, and they were fun, but by the end of them, I was like, "Okay, I've got that story told now. Time to move on." But my sixth novel is a YA western -- I finished it last fall and love it so, so, so much that I'm busy revising it, and I plan to seek publication for it once it's revised.

      My, that was long, wasn't it? That's what happens when you ask a writer about what they write, lol!

  8. Congrats, my friend! *goes to read article* Be back soon! :D


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