
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Coming Soon to a Soliloquy Near You

Just a heads-up about two cool things I'm participating in this May.  First off is the Middlemarch watch-along that Birdie is hosting on her blog, Lady of the Manor.  I have never seen or read Middlemarch, but I've been hearing good things about this version lately, so I'm quite excited to be participating in this watch-along.  She's going to do one episode a week, starting later this week.  She'll be posting thoughts and discussion questions on her blog, and she promises a giveaway at the end!  Click on this button for more details:

Middlemarch watch-along

Second is the Tyrone Power blogothon hosted by They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To and Lady Eve's Reel Life.  It'll be on Tyrone Power's 100th birthday, May 5.  I'm doing a post here on my blog about the movie version of The Sun Also Rises and comparing it to the book, and if you click on this button, you can see a list of all the other awesome things people will be blogging about:



    *ahem* Um, sorry about that. I happen to be a fan. :-P I didn't know his 100th birthday was coming up! I will definitely have to check this out!

    1. :-D I only recently became a fan, maybe 3 or 4 years ago. I'm sure you'll find plenty there to enjoy!

  2. Is Middlemarch that new series about Darcy and Jane after they are married? Or is this another story?

    1. Nope, it's based on a book by George Eliot.

      Are you thinking of Death Comes to Pemberley?

  3. I own this movie, or rather my mom does and i always wanted to watch it, I just never found the time, but i am determined to watch it soon

    1. Middlemarch? You should join the watch-along! We've only done the first episode so far, so you could totally catch up. Birdie will be posting about the second ep at the end of the week, so you've got time. So far it's only her and me, and it would be lovely if you joined us!

  4. Wow! I see that I have been missing a lot while I was in school. Now that spring term has ended I can catch up on period dramas, movies and book reading.


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