
Thursday, March 06, 2014

Sherlock Holmes' Personality Types

Carissa and Charity, two bloggers I've recently "met," are superb at figuring out what MBTI personality types different fictional characters have.  In case, you don't know, MBTI = Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a bunch of questions about your preferences and habits that can lead to great insights into your own personality, as well as other people's.  What I find the most fun is seeing what fictional characters I have the same type as.  I'm an ISFJ, and as I mentioned in this post, Dr. John Watson is also an ISFJ -- I'm so tickled to have a companion in the canon!

But anyway, my husband and I were discussing Sherlock last week, and how the characters are a lot different from the originals.  The show is really a retelling, not an adaptation, and I'm fine with that.  The show tickles me, for the most part.  But that portrayal of Sherlock Holmes is quite a bit different from the character I grew up with.  And, serendipitiously, Carissa and Charity have both blogged recently about what they believe Sherlock Holmes' MBTI type is -- Carissa discussed the BBC version, and Charity discussed the original.  And they're both such fascinating posts that I have to share them.

Go here to read Charity's brilliant post about the canonical Sherlock Holmes.

Go here to read Carissa's scintillating post about the BBC's Sherlock version of the character.


  1. I was so leary of the new Sherlock series at first. I've read and reread the stories over and over so many time and I was a die-hard fan on the BBC version with Jeremy Brett. He will always be Sherlock to me, but the new ones are really good. And Benedict Cumberbatch...well he goes without saying... ;)

    1. Yeah, I resisted it for quite a while too. I love the Jeremy Brett version, I love the canon... I didn't want an update. But... it's quite a good show, and I now own the first season.

  2. I'm honored to get a mention! :)

    I think the BBC Holmes stays an ISTP the most -- but in some episodes, he's very... um... well, lazy, and that's kind of the staple of the INTP. I actually wound up typing the BBC Holmes as an INTP/ISTP/INTJ hybrid on my typing tumblr, since you can make arguments for each one based on in-show evidence!

    1. So what you're saying is... he's complex!

      I do love complex characters :-)

  3. I got TSP in the mail yesterday!!!!!!!! I posted about it on my blog at feel free to check it out! thank you sooo much!!!!

  4. Awww, you were so sweet to share my post! I appreciate the plug, that's always nice. :)

    1. You're welcome! I really found your insights fascinating. As always :-)


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