
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Giveaway of "The Scarlet Pimpernel" (1982)

I'm giving away my copy of The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982). While I did enjoy it, I think others might enjoy it more, so I'm giving them their chance to win it. That means you! Enter using the widget below for your chance to win this nearly-new DVD. It was brand-new when I bought it, and I've only watched it once.  It is a Region 1 DVD, but this giveaway is open world-wide.

As I mentioned in my review here, this movie is mostly family-friendly. There are a couple of bad words, low-cut dresses, very brief scenes of people kissing in bed, and some minor violence of the swashbuckling sort (swords and pistols). You never see people's heads cut off, that's all implied. They do hold up a head now and then, but you only see it from behind and it looks like a hairy ball. I'd say this is either a mild PG-13 or a serious PG. Not for little kids, but I would not be uncomfortable watching it with my own mother. 

This giveaway runs from today through the end of Friday, February 28, 2014. I'll draw a winner on Saturday, March 1. PLEASE be sure you've provided a CURRENT email address to this Rafflecopter widget so that, when I email the winner, they actually get the notification that they've won! This is open world-wide, but if the winner doesn't respond to my notification within one week (by Saturday, March 8, 2014, in other words), I will draw a different winner and they will be out of luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This is part of the Anthony Andrews Blog Hop hosted by Carissa at Musings of an Introvert. Click below to read other bloggers' posts about this charming actor.

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  1. I've always wanted to see this version! After I read the book, I was eager to watch a BBC version that I just happened to own, and I was severely disappointed. I would be very happy to win it! Good luck with your giveaway!

    1. And having watched this, I'm now eager to read the book! I bought a copy last year, so... it's on my "read soon" list, lol.

      I'll remember not to bother with the BBC version, then.

    2. Yes, the BBC version was painful, what my brain remembers of it. No one was acting like they were supposed to, and Percy was far too . . . cold for my liking, too distant. it was most unpleasant! Of course, I'm also biased, but since I have read the book, I'd like to suppose that it wasn't just my fondness for Anthony Andrews speaking. That's delightful you're doing a giveaway! I'll make sure to mention it in one of my posts. :)

    3. Is that the Richard Grant version you mean? I've never had any desire to watch it. I have seen the Leslie Howard version -- I liked it, but the Anthony Andrews one is definitely my favorite.

    4. I saw the Leslie Howard version once, probably 8 or 9 years ago, and I really remember absolutely nothing about it except him getting in and out of a fancy carriage. Definitely preferred this version too!

  2. I love, love, love this -- I adore Percy and his friends (he cracks me up by "forgetting" Chauvelin's name ... to Chauvelin's everlasting annoyance). I would treasure it forever!

    1. Yes, Chauvelin getting SO annoyed by it was hilarious -- not quite as indifferent to that idiot Englishman as he pretended, was he?

      Good luck!

  3. Yay! I LOVE this movie! I'm glad you liked it too. I'm in! :-)


  4. I posted about this giveaway on my blog!


    Hehee, that makes me quite happy. :-)


    1. Why yes, it is! :-D You've joined the ranks of blogs I silently recommend to others.

  5. Thank you for hosting this, I love the movie, but sadly our DVD is scratched. I read the book version of this before I saw the movie, but I prefer the two books melded into one movie.
    Thank you for putting it worldwide as well, otherwise I wouldn't be able to enter.

    1. Also, as I can't work out how to show my email here it is:

    2. SInce it's my own dime that'll be sending this out, I wouldn't dream of limiting it to USA-only. I have too many blogging friends who live elsewhere!

  6. Eeeep, I would so love to win this! I had a copy of TSP but I lent it to a friend and sadly never got it back. :( It's one of my favorite movies ever, so when I saw you were having this giveaway I was quite delighted. :D

    1. And you still call them a friend? I used to make my sister-in-law write down the titles of books and movies she borrowed from me... and she lived 2 doors down.

  7. Almost every single one of my cousins is obsessed with this film, and I can't say that I'm any less of a TSP fan than they are. But I've only seen this once! I'd love to be able to watch it again!!

    1. Well... if you don't win it, I think it's available on YouTube. Which isn't nearly as nice as watching it on a TV, of course, but if you're in desperate need of a fix...

      Anyway, good luck!

  8. This is the best version ever!!! Everyone should have a copy in their library!!!! :D

    1. Hee. Well, I've had a copy in my library for the moment... and maybe you will have it soon!

  9. I'd love to own a copy of this, since I just recently saw it on Youtube (unfortunately the only way I have right now of viewing it) and it's become one of my new favorite movies. Anthony Andrews is awesome!

    1. Hi! Have you been visiting the other posts involved in the Anthony Andrews blog hop? Lots there to thrill an AA fan, for sure!

  10. I love the book and I'd like to see this (I've seen too many pics and heard too much about it for my curiosity not to be piqued) count me in! I think my email should show up, but in case not it's ladyofanorien(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you!!!

    1. I haven't read the book yet, but I bought a copy a few months ago, so... I'll get to it one of these days :-) People who have read the book tell me this is the most faithful adaptation they've seen. Good luck!

  11. I read the book when i was 12 years old and became obsessed with it and the movie and the broadway soundtrack of TSP. i have always wanted this movie but was never able to find one cheep. i have yet to read the other books, because i don't know where to find them. winning would make my year. And i am SOOOOOOOOO gad i found your blog because it is awesome!

    1. Wow! Twelve? That's awesome! You sound like me and The Count of Monte Cristo, which I first read when I was 11 or 12, and still count as my second-favorite book. has lots of the books, and you can pick up a used copy for about $4 most of the time. Or, if you or someone you know has a Kindle, some (maybe all?) of them are actually free to download.

      I'm glad you found my blog too! I hope you find lots here that interests you, and I hope to read more comments from you again soon :-)

  12. I'm so excited for a chance to win this DVD! :) It's one of my favourite Period Drama films... Not only does it have romance and adventure, but it's also quite humorous. :)

    1. Yes, I laughed a great deal while watching it. Especially whenever Sir Percy was in disguise -- I laughed and laughed over some of those bits.

  13. I have seen this once with my friends and after that on Youtube. I'd love to have a DVD copy of my own!

    1. Good luck to you, then! And welcome to my blog :-)

  14. Because YouTube is not a worthy medium to experience this wonderful film... :smile:

    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!! TSP is one of my favorite books/series, and I do adore both the Leslie Howard and Anthony Andrews versions... but you know what would be out of this word amazing? Tom Hiddleston as Sir Percy with a Hans Zimmer-esque soundtrack and David Tennant as Ffoukes. If that magic ever happens, I just might perish of excitement. But it's be worth it:D

    1. Haha! That WOULD be a cool version. Actually, Tom Hiddleston in just about anything would be amazing. I keep wanting him to do a western with Chris Hemsworth. I want to see the two of them all grimy, riding horses, good cowboy hats on their heads, something exciting going on -- then I might just perish of excitement. But it'd be very worth it!

  15. Oh dear, so sorry that expectations didn't live up to the movie. I hate it when that happens. :/

    How very kind of you to do this giveaway! Especially given that TSP has only recently come onto DVD, if my memory serves me correctly. I still have no idea how they decided they needed to change the color of Marguerite's dress to blue on the cover. It's like Sleeping Beauty all over again. Darn fairies.

    1. That said, this movie is definitely one of our family's favorites since we took a chance on it via Netflix (eesh, probably 4 years ago.) It would be very nice to be able to add it to our shelf. =)

    2. I don't know that it failed to live up to expectations -- in fact, I enjoyed Chauvelin far more than I'd expected to ;-)

      Good luck!


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