
Monday, February 03, 2014

February Blog Fun

Just a quick post to mention three things I'm participating in this month.

First up is the Anthony Andrews Blog Hop hosted by Carissa at Musings of an Introvert.  I have been eager to see The Scarlet Pimpernel for some time, and I am finally going to take the time to watch it so I can review it here and participate in the blog hop.  She's fine with people adding old posts to the blog hop, as long as they are about an Anthony Andrews movie (or just about him as an actor), so if you've blogged about him at some point, go link up your post!

Second, Fanda of Fanda ClassicLit is hosting a birthday celebration for Charles Dickens.  To participate, you just have to read one book by or about Charles Dickens during the month of February.  I'm planning to read What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew by Daniel Pool, and I'll be reviewing it over on my book blog.

And finally, it's almost time for the fourth annual Literary Heroine Blog Party hosted by Kellie of Accordion to Kellie.  It will actually run from February 16 thru 28th, and I'll be participating in it via my book blog too.  If you want to see what my party post looked like last year, here it is.


  1. *squeee* Can I pleaaaaaaase steal and use your Pimpernel photo! I never think to actually add text to any of my photos. So silly of me! Ooh, plus I need to make little images for people to add in their sidebars. Man, I've never done this before and it's showing! I'm so happy you're participating!

    1. But of course! I actually snurched that pic from your post, to tell the truth. People can use the same one in their sidebars if they so desire, but options are always good!

  2. You know me and old movies...I almost NEVER prefer a modern movie to an old one. However, The Scarlet Pimpernel is one modern movie I prefer to its classic film counterpart. I LOVE the Anthony Andrews/Jane Seymour film! Such a fantastic movie...with so many great lines!

    Have fun!

    1. I saw the Leslie Howard version probably ten years ago, and really remember nothing about it. I'm very excited to see this one!

    2. Patti, if you'd like to, it would be such for you to write a post on the Andrews/Seymour version on your blog and participate in the blog hop! The more the merrier, I always say! :)

      Musings of an Introvert

  3. ... hearing someone's perspective on The Scarlet Pimpernel who has never seen it before is going to be AWESOME! Mom and I first watched it over a decade ago, and we had to stop 20 minutes before the end to take care of company. We spent several hours entertaining people, DYING to find out what happened. It was lovely!

    1. Well, let's hope it's awesome and not... not awesome, lol. I actually watched the first 20-30 minutes of it in December, and I thought it was intriguing and fun, but my mom kind of almost fell asleep (but she does that a lot -- don't take it personally), and my husband asked if Sir Percy wasn't afraid that they were going to make Being an Annoying Fop a crime against the state and chop off his head. I was like, "But look at Sir Ian! Oh my -- look at Sir Ian! He's so young and... handsome!" I fear I may wind up a bit of a Chauvelin fan just cuz of the yummy Sir Ian goodness. And then all TSP fans will want to chop off my head.

    2. Well, I hope you like it. I haven't found anyone yet who hasn't -- but there are occasional exceptions, I suppose. It's campy in that early 80's British way but the cast, as you've discovered, is marvelous. I have rather a love/hate relationship with Chauvelin. (And... he has a LOT of fans in general, so no, you won't be hated -- many fell in love with him in the musical version.)

    3. I tend to love things others find silly (and sometimes think things are silly that others don't), so I'm expecting to like it :-)


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