
Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Day is Not Wasted if I Created Something

That's one of the first things I ever pinned when I joined Pinterest.  Just felt like sharing it here today, and also a picture of what I created today:

Banana bread!  :-9


  1. I love banana bread, and since it seems I always have black bananas on the counter, I really ought to make it more often.

    Thanks so much for your faithful blog comments. I really appreciate it. As you've probably noticed, I am very burned out on blogging. Actually, I'm burned out on the internet in general and am really trying to take a huge step back. I find that when I stay away from the internet, I actually get other things done. I've taken walks and hikes, read books, organized photos, and done a lot of ancestry research these past few weeks.

    Thanks again for being a faithful blog friend,

    1. It's funny -- I have days where I'm like, "I'm sick of the internet -- it's wasting all my time! I need to just not do this anymore." And then I'll repentantly spend two days catching up on what i didn't do that day. But I really have pared things down over the last year and a half, since baby #3 arrived. I spend almost no time on Etsy and Facebook anymore, I only check Pinterest once or twice a week, and I routinely pare down what blogs I follow. "Moderation in everything" is the motto I aspire to :-)

      And once in a while, I take a little blogging break. After the LOTR party, I've definitely been posting less. Just taking time to breathe a little, hee.

  2. Mmmmmm! I love banana bread!! Looks good!

    1. I went through this phase where I loathed banana bread, and I still don't like it with nuts very well, but this is my mom's recipe and I really like it.

    2. But the walnuts are the best part! LOL! (And I don't actually like walnuts in anything but banana bread.) I used to always put more than was called for in when I used to make it. I think I'll try my recipe soon with the wheat-free flour, see how it comes out, cuz now you got me craving some!

    3. There's something about the combination of baking bananas and baking walnuts that just makes my stomach churn. No idea why!

  3. Oooh, looks yummy! Plain bananas are one thing I just don't like, but I do enjoy banana pudding and banana bread... and smoothies with banana are usually good, too. I like the title of this post, very good policy!

    1. I love bananas, period. Real ones, not fake banana flavor.

  4. Hehee, that quote made me giggle. The banana bread looks delicious! : )


    1. Isn't it a great quote? I find it heartening to remember that, even when I'm not writing (and I'm not right now because I'm stuck on my novel), I'm still able to be creative.


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