
Sunday, August 04, 2013

"The Great Game" (2010)


This is the third -- and final -- episode of Sherlock's first season, and I think it's my favorite so far.  Partly, that's because it really suited the longer format.  I think "The Blind Banker" suffered from being an hour-long plot that got stretched out, but this one filled every minute with important stuff.

The backbone of this episode is based on the canon story "The Bruce Partington Plans," which is not a huge favorite of mine, but I like it fine.  But then it threw in a very twisty ticking-time-bomb thing.  And then another.  And another.  And kept upping the stakes and cranking up the tension until my heart was actually thudding in my chest by the end.  Really well paced, scripted, acted, etc.

Random note -- I totally dig Rupert Graves as Detective Inspector Lestrade.  He's competent, but not brilliant, and so very annoyed at how he really does need Holmes' help.  I keep feeling like I've seen him somewhere, but all I can dig up is that he played Freddy Honeychurch in the 1985 version of A Room with a View, which I saw about 15 years ago and barely remember a thing about, so it's not that.  Huh.

Watson, Holmes, and Lestrade

(SPOILERS AHEAD.  Skip to below the picture of Holmes looking pensive if you don't want them.)

And we got to meet Moriarty!  Oh my.  He's completely off-the-wall wacky, which makes him really scary in his unpredictability.  I was totally not expecting him to crop up already -- I thought they'd have him lurk about until the second season.  And goodness, can Andrew Scott ever chew the scenery!  By the time the episode ended, I was surprised the building was still standing after how much he'd gnawed on it.

Moriarty (Andrew Scott) about to take another bite

Also, holy horrifying cliffhanger, Batman!  I won't get to start season 2 for a couple of weeks -- woe is me!

So.  Yeah.  Wow.  Great episode, can't wait for more.  Totally putting this on my Christmas wish list!


  1. I know Rupert Graves from "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" (1996). I like Detective Inspector Lestrade much better than Arthur Huntingdon (who he played in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall). The Great Game was a really good episode! I'm glad you liked it.

    1. Yeah, I looked Graves up on and saw that he's in a ton of stuff... but I've only seen him in the one thing. So far!

  2. So glad you're liking the show! I love Lestrade too, and that he and all the other supporting characters actually get development, it's very nice of the writers. I've seen Graves in Doctor Who, and Wallander -- a great actor! And Moriarty is pretty crazy amazing. Sorry about the cliffhanger! It was a pretty mean one. :P

    1. I'm intrigued by Wallander, or to be more precise, by it's cast (Tom Hiddleston! Kenneth Branagh!), so I'm thinking I might see that one of these days, if I can get my hands on it.

      Moriarty made me laugh while I was terrified for Holmes and Watson -- definitely amazing!

    2. Aha, yes, Hiddleston is why I started watching it, and he was my favorite, even with a kinda small role. It's a pretty good show though, and Branagh is very good!

    3. Hiddleston is a perfect reason to watch anything. And is Branagh ever not good? Such a reliable actor!

  3. This was the episode that convinced me that this show is absolutely brilliant! The plot twists and turns where all done so well.
    You're lucky that you only have to wait a couple of weeks, when I watched I had to wait an entire year! That was one heck of a cliffhanger!


    1. I love how they tied the mysteries together, for the most part, but left some stuff unexplained.

      And yeah, I know -- I'll soon be hopping up in down in anticipation for season 3 like you.

  4. I'm totally enjoying this show, too, although I have unfortunately little time to devote to it... I was a little disappointed in one of the episodes in the 2nd season (or was it the first?) because of certain sexual things, but it was still marvelously well-done.

    1. Fortunately, there aren't that many episodes, so it doesn't require as much time-devotion as a US show with their 20-30 episodes per season.

      The episode you're alluding to must be in season 2, as so far it's been pretty clean for a modern show. But as spoiler-free as I've managed to be, I do know there's an ep in season 2 with Irene Adler in it, so guessing that might be what you're referring to, as everyone always wants to pair Holmes and Irene, it seems. (I get as tired of her popping up in every Holmes variation as I do of Moriarty's continual presence.)

  5. HE WAS FREDDY??? *falls over* I DID NOT KNOW THAT.

    This is one of my very favorite episodes...I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. It was amazing. it and the Reichenbach Fall are probably my favorites.

    1. Um, yes. Isn't that adorable? I very much have to rewatch that version now, because Freddy is my favorite character in the whole book.


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