
Monday, July 22, 2013

He Has His Army

This is how Tom Hiddleston introduced Thor 2 footage at Comic Con -- in all his Loki glory!

(Many thanks to Ivy Miranda for posting this on her blog, Always & Forever, and thus bringing it to my attention.)


  1. Loki is the best! Hiddleston is such an awesome guy doing this at Comic-Con! I can't wait for the Dark World this November.


    1. I know! I mean, I'm a Thor fan all the way, but I would love to give Tom Hiddleston a hug or a high five or something for being so full of shiny awesome.

  2. Wow, just... wow! Only Tom Hiddleston could command hundreds of people to scream his name over and over, and not seem self-absorbed at the same time. ;) He really knows how to treat his fans, and put on a show! I can't wait for a glimpse of the clip he introduced! Thanks for sharing this Hamlette!! :D

    1. Well, you notice he had them screaming his character's name -- that makes him a lot less self-absorbed :-)

    2. Haha, true, but he and Loki are pretty indistinguishable from each other in this case! ;)

  3. Somehow I knew you were going to love this : ) Loki always drives me crazy, but I love Tom Hiddleston and his performance as Loki is always a great watch!

    I love the part somewhere in the middle of the video where he just starts laughing, like he can't hold it in anymore : )


    1. Yes, I know -- he totally cracks up in the middle, and I had to laugh too. I love how much he enjoys his role :-)

  4. Definitely showing some of his stagecraft here. The man knows how to time his delivery and emphasis to perfectly capture a room. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. THIS IS AWESOME!!! Have you ever been to Comic Con? I gotta go sometime... :)

    1. Alas, I live on the wrong end of the country to make Comic Con feasible. But some day it would be amazing!


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