
Saturday, May 04, 2013

Even More Period Drama Tag

Month four of the Period Drama Challenge is over!  Ack!  Where has the time gone?  Only two months left! Sigh.  And i have so many movies I want to watch and review yet.  Well, for now, here are my answers to Miss Laurie's latest batch of questions:

1. What period dramas have you watched in April?

Jane Eyre (1997), Hamlet (1969), 42 (2013), and The Man from Snowy River (1982).

2. Have you ever watched a period drama where the characters time traveled between eras (i.e. Somewhere In Time, Lost In Austen, From Time To Time)?

Yup!  Off the top of my head, I can think of Somewhere in Time, the Back to the Future movies, the Terminator movies, Midnight in Paris, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, A Kid in King Arthur's Court, and Men in Black III.  One of my favorite episodes of Classic Star Trek is "City on the Edge of Forever," which involves time travel, and I really love the TV show Lost, which uses time travel in the later seasons.  But I'm sure I've seen others, those are just the ones I could think of right now.

3. What historical era is your favorite and why?

The American West.  I love western movies and books, I love horses and heroes and pioneers and people working super hard to achieve their dreams, all of which seem bound up in the western era.

4. How many William Shakespeare film adaptations have you seen?

Oh, jeepers.  Only counting movies using the original language, I've seen 16:  Much Ado About Nothing (1993),  Romeo and Juliet (1968), Romeo + Juliet (1996), Richard III  (1995), Henry V (1989), Love's Labour's Lost (2000), Hamlet (1948 -- Olivier), Hamlet (1964 -- Burton), Hamlet (1969 -- Williamson), Hamlet (1990 -- Kline), Hamlet (1990 -- Gibson), Hamlet (1996 -- Branagh), Hamlet (2000 -- Scott), Hamlet (2000 -- Hawke), Hamlet (2002 -- Lester), and Hamlet (2009 -- Tennant).  (Five of those Hamlets are filmed versions of stage productions, though, does that count?  I didn't see them live, I saw the filmed versions, but they weren't made specifically to be films.)

5. If a new biographical film based on the life of your favorite classic author were made would you rejoice or be the first to sign a "do not make this film" petition?

Hmm.  How do you define "classic author," exactly?  If you mean "someone who has been dead more than 100 years," then that would be Robert Louis Stevenson according to my list here.  I think it could be great fun, as he was definitely an adventurous person.  I've been reading a few pieces he wrote about the American West while he traveled there, and he sounds so interesting!

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