
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Unexpectedly Joyful Morning

At the public library on Saturday, I walked past the CD collection on my way to the stacks, and happened to see the soundtrack for While You Were Sleeping (1995).  I thought, "Hey, I love that movie -- why have I never listened to the soundtrack?"  I got it, put it on top of the little CD player in my kitchen, and forgot about it until this morning when I was making breakfast.

I popped it in (had to take out the Les Miserables soundtrack, a birthday gift from my dad), turned it on, and didn't stop grinning for several minutes.  I hummed and whistled along with nearly every cue.  Before I'd even listened to the whole thing, I went to and ordered my own copy.  It's such happy, bouncy music (with some pensive tracks thrown in), and brings back so many great memories of the movie, of people I've watched the movie with... I love it!

I first saw While You Were Sleeping in the theater with two of my best friends, the morning after a sleepover.  A year or so later, I rented it and watched it with my mom -- not sure where my dad and brother were.  She loved it too, and before long, we owned a copy.  My dad and brother then watched it too, and also found it hilarious.  Really, just a fun, sweet movie. I watched it many times in college with various friends too.

Anyway, you can listen to the soundtrack on YouTube here.


  1. I saw this movie many years ago and loved it. I it time for me to watch it again. The soundtrack is sweet.

    1. I should watch it again soon too -- been too long!

  2. This is a fabulous movie! So much fun. :D I hadn't ever listened to the sound track before, but I loved it. Thanks for sharing the videos! :)

    1. Isn't it a great soundtrack? I've played it a couple times a day all week now, and it's especially great for making breakfast. Glad you enjoyed it too!

  3. LOVE this movie! Sandra Bullock as Lucy was so adorable! And Jack! *heart goes thump thump* Perfection... :D

    1. The name Lucy was a serious contender when I was figuring out a name for my second daughter, all because of this movie.

      And Jack! Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeaning! Perfection indeed.


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