
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Because Chocolate is Too Pedestrian

Cowboy, aka my husband of 10 years, was in LA for two weeks on business.  He flew back on Valentine's Day, but explained that, while he'd bought me something perfectly splendid, he couldn't figure out a way to get it on the plane.  So he sent it by mail.  He's been giving me tantalizing hints ever since, trying to get me to guess what it was.  And this morning, it arrived.  The doorbell rang, and what to my wondering eyes should appear on my front steps but:

THOR!  Odin's Son, mighty Avenger, heir to the throne of Asgard!  And, as you can see, he's nearly life-size.

I invited him inside, where I just had to give him a hug and reassure him that even though Loki is a brat, Thor has my undying affection, so everything will be okay.  Now he's here in the living room, watching over my shoulder while I type.  Amazingly enough, I've actually managed to teach school, do a few chores, and run an errand, all while the mighty Thor is right here, in my house, looking fierce and fascinating.

All this is to say... I have the best husband in the world, don't I?


  1. Woo! He did find a way to get it home! :-D And yep, you have a keeper! :-D

    1. I was wondering if you were in on it :-)

    2. Nope, not really in on it, merely aware he'd found it and was trying to figure out how to get it home! :-D

    3. Yeah, that's what I meant -- in on the surprise as in knowing what it was and sitting there for a week waiting for me to get it.

  2. Now THAT is an awesome husband...not just any guy would get that for their wife! :) LOL, it does indeed make chocolate seem mundane. :)

    1. I know! This is also the guy who once found me a poster of Capt. Jack Sparrow and called me over to see it, saying, "You know you need this."

      He also went to a great deal of trouble to figure out how to package this up and send it through the mail. Not a spur-of-the-moment gift!

      And here I'd told him that since he would be in LA anyway, he could just pick up a box of mixed See's chocolates...


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