
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Three Charming Blogs

Today I'm going to natter on a bit about three blogs I've been reading for a while now.  They're all written by teens, intriguingly, and all three informative and thought-provoking.  I'm posting about them in the order I started reading them, because they have to go in some sort of order, and as I don't like one better than the other, chronological it is.

Classic Forever is written by Millie, who's now in college, though when I started reading this blog, she was in high school.  This blog is primarily about classic movies and TV shows, and the actors and actresses who star in them.  Millie is also a Bobby Darin fan, which will forever endear her -- and this blog -- to me.  She writes with such enthusiasm and joy that I can't help but want to watch whatever movie or show she's glowing about.

Lit Lovers & Corset Laces is written by Ari, a high school student with some astoundingly deep insights into the books she devours.  We share a love of Jane Eyre and Jane Austen, which is how she found my blog and I found hers.  I wish my own book reviews were half so detailed as hers.  She also likes to watch movie versions of classic books and blog about what she thinks they got right, and what she thinks they got oh-so-very wrong.

Austenitis is written by Charity, a home schooled teen who, obviously, is also a Jane Austen afficianado.  She blogs about old and new books and movies, so kind of a mix of the other two blogs.  I've only been reading her blog for a couple months, and at first, I thought she was at least my age, if not older!  Finally got around to reading her bio one day and discovered that, nope, she's actually an articulate young woman.  I love that she does ratings for the books and movies she reviews, and also clues me in to any objectionable content.  Of the three, Charity reminds me most of a slightly younger me :-)

Thank you, Millie, Ari, and Charity, for providing me with so many hours of entertainment and enlightenment!  I look forward to reading many more of your posts for a long time to come.


  1. Thanks so much for mentioning me, Hamlette! You definitely just made my day. :) Not to mention you recommended a few new blogs for me to check out! Thanks a ton also for your delightful comments on my blog...I always smile when I see a new comment from you. <3

    1. You're most welcome! And I'm glad you enjoy my comments -- I'll keep reading whenever I have a spare moment :-)

  2. Props for use of word "natter". I enjoyed reading Classic Forever's Lawrence of Arabia review... I like that style.

    1. Lol, isn't it a fun word? Totally underused.

      Classic Forever is very engaging -- check out her labels to find names you're familiar with and see what she has to say. I don't always agree with her, but I am always amused, sometimes educated.

    2. Before I've even begun I am enchanted that the label "Millie is a really weird and possibly needs to be locked up in a mental institution and she is also talking in the third person which is even more weird" has twenty-two posts under it.

    3. She is endlessly amusing. Deb actually recommended her blog to me a few years ago because of the Bobby Darin factor.


Agree or disagree? That is the question...

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