
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 03 - A film that makes you happy

Man, I've neglected this blog for a long time again, huh?  Between moving to a new state, then spending weekend after weekend house-hunting so we can get out of the apartment we're currently in (and dislike), and running about after Dano and Mercy... blogging has fallen by the way side.

Anyway, this is a tough one to answer cuz there are a lot of movies that make me happy.  Loads of them.  So I'll pick the one that's currently making me happy:  Gunfight in Abilene (1967).  Since yesterday was Bobby Darin's birthday, I started watching this last night after I put the kids to bed, then finished it tonight.  Of the 8 or 9 Bobby Darin movies I've seen, I love this one the best, and I'm so lucky to have a copy -- they sell for like $75 now, but my dad picked this copy up for peanuts years ago.  I reeeeeally wish they'd put it on DVD; I'd buy like six copies.
Bobby Darin as Cal Wayne (I adore his hat!)
Bobby Darin plays Cal Wayne, who, while he was a Confederate officer during the Civil War, accidentally shot his best friend, Dave Evers.  When he goes home to Abilene, he feels so guilty about that death that he lets the friend's older brother Grant Evers (Leslie Nielsen) steal his girl Amy (Emily Banks) and bully him into resuming his old job as sheriff, even though he's vowed never to use a gun again.  The rest is your standard cowmen-vs-farmers story, but throw in Don Galloway as his deputy, and it's an hour and a half of happy me :-)

Emily Banks was in one of my fave Star Trek eps, "Shore Leave," as the imperiled Tonia Barrows, and of course Don Galloway was in nine million westerns, both TV and film, including another one I love: The Rare Breed (1966).  He was also a regular on Ironside, and every time I see him, he makes me smile.

So, there you go, one movie among many that makes me happy :-)


  1. Do you know what makes ME happy? Reading YOU writing about a Bobby Darin movie that we used to watch together. It brings back some really good memories - warm, fuzzy ones. Yay for you blobbing again, too,

  2. Of course you know I meant blogging, not blobbing. I can't seem to get used to this little tiny keyboard.

  3. Blobbing, blogging, same difference, right? :-D

  4. I still need to see this one, one of these days! Remember when I thought the Glenn Ford movie was this film, and I kept thinking, "But where's Bobby?" LOL

  5. Tsk tsk tsk -- Deb, we watched this at your house! Dad gave me this copy when I was at his place before I flew out to see you, and we watched it on your lovely TV. Which, granted, was years ago, but you have seen it.

  6. Stumbled across this one... and was surprised that there seems to exist another Galloway fan living on this earth.
    Of course I do not have a copy of this movie, but I have one of Galloway on 'Twelve O'Clock High'. Perhaps we could exchange copies of our copies?

    1. I love Don Galloway! He's so cheerful and laid-back. But you're right, he's not well known at all.

      Unfortunately, I don't have a way to copy my copy, as I only have one VCR, and my DVD player doesn't record. Sorry!

    2. Since you are a writer... I'm one too (in my language... well, kind of), and sometimes I try to play around with English words on, writing Ironside fanfiction with Ed Brown in the center... because of Don Galloway of course. What do you write?

    3. How cool! I've only seen 1 or 2 eps of Ironside, I must confess. I loved Raymond Burr in Perry Mason, and I love Don Galloway, so I really should see more. But the show wasn't a favorite with my parents, and I haven't really run across it in my adult life. But what I saw was enjoyable -- I love a good mystery :-) What's your native language? I'm really impressed that you're writing fanfic in a second language. Wow.

      I write fanfiction for the 60s tv show Combat!, about American GIs in WWII. My solo stories are here, and stories I co-write with a friend are here. I've also written two crossover stories that cross Combat! and Angel (spinoff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer), which are here. (Um, yes, I crossed shows about WWII GIs and vampires. I did indeed.) I also write non-fanfic novels, but haven't sought publication of those yet.

  7. There used to be quite some entire episodes of Ironside on Youtube, but now I can find just one, and definitely not one I like. It is of season 8 and you find it under
    "Ironside-Raise The Devil"

    I will check out your stories, but first I will have to find out what exactly 'Combat!' is all about. We have bought a TV set recently, but I never watch TV :-)

    Don't be impressed - I'm actually a math type and not very good at languages :-) I am Swiss, and my native language is Swiss German (which is very different from German). In our small country we have four official languages (Swiss German, French, Italian and Romanic), and I needed all of them at some point of my live. Normally I write in German, but it is not the language of my heart. I also learned three dead languages, and sometimes I mix them up. My English stories are corrected by a French... It's fun, but no quality writing.

    1. Go here for a YouTube channel that has uploaded a whole bunch of eps. I recommend "One More for the Road," "Glow Against the Sky," "Hill 256," 'Off Limits," or "Anantomy of a Patrol" as good ones to start with if you're interested. "The Long Way Home" parts 1 and 2 are great too, but it's a two-parter, so a bigger investment of time.

      I took a year of German in college -- met my husband in German class, in fact -- but I don't really speak it. I can decipher a word here and there. I actually took German so I could understand the German soldiers on Combat! a little bit, and I delight in including a little German dialog in my stories when I can. My mother-in-law used to teach German, and she proofs those bits for me and helps me when I get stuck :-) It's probably worse than your English stories that are corrected by a French person!

  8. Just watched 'One more for the Road' (cute!) and read 'The Better Part of Value'. It's great, I love your writing style very much. It is to early to leave a comment, but could it be that you are more interested in the persons, their problems and interactions than in the actual war? (Perhaps this is only wishful thinking... I am a Lieutenant of the "Zivilschutz", which here belongs to the military department, but at the same time I am a little sceptical if problems can be solved by force of weapons...)
    Funny: Vic Morrow has an important part in my fav Ironside episode, S6 "Five Days in the Death of Sgt. Brown"! (... and I wrote a WHN to it, but it is a little too much hurt/comfort, I suppose. If you want to check it out, it's here:
    If you have not seen the two-part episode, I could give you a summary. And sorry, in my story Vic Morrow's character will only show up in the last chapter...
    The episode is on hulu, I think, under the wrong title "Ironside Pilot".

    1. Well, you've now read my best story! Lol. And thank you for the kind praise :-) But you are absolutely right -- I love writing about the characters, and the war is just background. I sometimes joke that I'm writing in the wrong fandom, because I really don't enjoy writing "action sequences," and most of my stories take place in little interludes between the "real" war.

      Thanks so much for the heads-up on where to find Vic's "Ironside" episode! If I get a chance to watch it this evening, I will. Been a long time since I saw something "new" to me with Vic Morrow in it! Once I've seen it, I'll check out your story.

    2. Is the episode still there? (We don't have hulu here.)

    3. It's still there, but my laptop is getting old and cranky, and it kept glitching up, so I've only watched half of it so far. Hoping to watch the rest this weekend!

  9. You will like it, I suppose. Morrow's character will have a little problem there...
    Your best story? Just read "Hide and Seek", and it is great too! You are also very good at writing action scenes. Is there a proper place to leave a review or shall I go on doing it here? ;)

    1. Just finished it! And I did like it -- and Vic's character was sweet! He was a father himself, with two daughters, and I really liked his interaction with his character's onscreen daughter. Also, the title of the ep had me really worried! I was very relieved to see it was misleading :-) I'll have to go read your story later, as my hubby and kids are home from the store now.

      You can keep talking about stories here, or you can email me at whitequeen55(at)yahoo(dot)com and we can talk more there.

      I can write action scenes, I just don't enjoy writing them like I do dialog, etc. :-) But the whole "Three By Moonlight" trilogy are also some of my favorites.

  10. Please don't read my story for Vic's character!
    He will only show up in the last chapter, and
    there were so many other fans to take care of that I did not pay attention to being nice to him too, sorry...

    1. Oh, never fear -- I know he's a guest character, so I won't expect him to be a major player. I will read it for Sgt. Brown!

  11. Just in case you didn't know, they just put this on DVD last year. Amazon has it for $20! :)

    1. Yup, I bought it as soon as it was available, hee. And gave my dad a copy for Christmas, since he'd given me his VHS years ago. I'm seriously tempted to buy a backup copy, to be honest -- and I did keep the VHS copy too, hee. But thanks for the heads-up! I love that older, hard-to-find stuff is making its way to DVD more and more.


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