
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Six policemen wearing kilts walked into a Dunkin' Donuts.

Nope, not a joke in need of a punch line (though it could be one). That actually happened while Dano and I were at DD yesterday. Six policemen, all wearing kilts. I didn't muster up the courage to ask them if that's how policemen around here normally dress (and since I usually see them sitting in their police cars, it's possible, I suppose), or if there was a special occasion. They were way too jolly to have just come from being an honor guard at a funeral or something, and I'm pretty sure there was no early 4th of July parade going on.


  1. I didn't muster up the courage to ask them if that's how policemen around here normally dress (and since I usually see them sitting in their police cars, it's possible, I suppose)

    Ah ha, best that you didn't ask so you can imagine that it's actually true!


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