
Saturday, December 06, 2008

Our library had a book sale today, and I got the coolest book! True Grits: Recipes Inspired by the Movies of John Wayne by Lee Pfieffer and Michael Lewis. I swear, they wrote this book with me in mind. Not only does it have lots of recipes, but it has movie photos and trivia too. And the recipes have silly titles, like "Sandwiches of Iwo Jima," "She Wore a Jell-o Ribbon," and "The Flan Who Shot Liberty Valance." What's not to love? I'm gonna have as much fun reading this recipe book as I will trying some of the recipes.

And I swear they found shots of every time the Duke ate in a movie to put in this book -- what a fun task that must have been! The authors actually included their email addresses at the end of the book, so I will probably have to write them and tell them how much I dig this book. Maybe after I've made one or two of the recipes.

1 comment:

  1. I soooo love those recipe names. They just make me grin and grin.


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