
Monday, June 30, 2008

So Mom was here last week, Monday through Saturday. As usual, we had lots of fun. We watched the first five eps of season one of Bones, two movies (How to Steal a Million and Shadow of a Doubt -- mmm, Peter O'Toole and Joseph Cotten!), and a couple of NCIS eps. We also baked several batches of cookies (haystacks, peanut butter cookies, and cinnamon ice box cookies) and sent them off in care packages to the Leatherneck and Quikie (Cowboy's best buddy from college). We took Daniel on a walk downtown and toured our library (always a highlight of any visit!). Cowboy and I introduced her to Vietnamese food at a little place not too far from the Crow's Nest. AND on Thursday, Mom babysat Dano so that Cowboy and I could go out to celebrate our anniversary a few weeks late! It was the first time we'd been anywhere without him since he was born, so that was a bit interesting. It felt kinda wrong not to at least be talking about him at first, but we got used to it.

Then on Saturday, Cowboy, Dano, Mom, and I all went to Cambridge to visit Johnnycake and Dimples. It was our first time there, although they've visited us several times. They have a cute apartment (with air conditioners, swoooooon!), and Johnnycake showed us around the Harvard Law campus and other interesting sites near there. We went to three different bookstores, one pretty famous (the Harvard Book Store, one of the largest independently-owned bookstores in the country), one really tiny (the Grolier Poetry Bookshop, which is one of two poetry-only bookstores in the country), and one underground (literally -- a used and rare book store in a shop below street level). We all went to church with Johnnycake and Dimples on Sunday, and ate lunch at a Thai restaurant. Then we played Taboo while Johnnycake welded some chrome back onto The Tank for us. It was a short, but fun, visit. Mom is spending this week with them now, but Cowboy and Dano and I are back home.

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