
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dano just crawled for the first time about four minute ago!


  1. Aww, that's wonderful! But don't blink, cuz before you know it the little nipper will be walking!

    They just grow up too darn fast!! :-(

  2. Don't I know it! He's already walking while holding our fingers or furniture. Eeep!

  3. That's still so exciting! I dig it!

  4. Yeah, he doesn't crawl a lot (yet), but he does do it now and then. Mostly he does this little scoot thing where he'll sit up and then get one foot up behind him and push himself forward while sitting on one leg still and using his arms for balance. But his preferred method of locomotion is definitely walking while holding onto our hands.

  5. Matthew is very close to crawling, he can push himself along with his legs, he hasn't figured how to use the arms yet. But he isn't trying to walk at all. I think he's too content to be held facing out and kick and watch the world that way; we're not giving him any reason to be ambitious about walking. Though he adores his jumperoo thingy. He really goes to town in that thing!

  6. Hey, at least you don't spend hours every day bent in half helping him walk around! My back would love it if he grew a couple inches....


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