
Monday, April 14, 2008

We've had two Red Letter Days in a row here!

Yesterday, Dano and I were separated for the first time since his birth. For the first time in six months, I was more than shouting-distance away from him. I went to the library to watch a foreign film: The Wages of Fear. It's a French suspense film from the 50s, rather like cynical Hitchcock with subtitles. I was gone three hours and fifteen minutes, and when I got home, both Cowboy and Dano were still alive :-) Dano napped for almost half of it, so neither of them were too traumatized. But after an initial wide-eyed, jaw-dropped reaction when I walked in, Dano gave me the cold shoulder for about fifteen minutes, just to remind me not to make a habit of abandoning him to the devices of his daddy.

Today, I introduced him to solid food. I mixed a little baby rice cereal with some breast milk, and after he figured out we weren't playing some new gnaw-the-spoon game, he caught on pretty quickly. More than half of what went in his mouth ended up back out on his bib, but he did swallow some of it, so I consider that a victory.


  1. And once you get a taste you start begging for more! Doesn't it feel great just to be Rachel for a few blessed hours? But what's odd is that you actually start missing the little buggers!:)

  2. And once you get a taste you start begging for more! Doesn't it feel great just to be Rachel for a few blessed hours?

    I know! I'm already plotting my next solo excursion :-D

    But what's odd is that you actually start missing the little buggers!:)

    True, true. Guess that's a good thing, so we don't just go off on an adventure and never return, huh? ;-)


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