
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm entering week fifteen now, for those of you that are counting. According to, Gumdrop is now around 4 inches long, head to butt, and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces. According to me, Gumdrop is now moving up into my abdomen and out of my pelvis -- I'm only peeing one or two extra times a day now (instead of three or four), and my tummy is expanding. As Cowboy puts it, I'm losing my tummy crease. Still wearing my same jeans though; they're only mid-rise but they rest on my hip bones and not around my middle anyway.

And I just made my first purchases for Gumdrop last night. Actually, for Gumdrop and his/her siblings to come. I decided long ago that I'd like to make a scrapbook baby book, instead of buying the premade ones where you just fill in blanks. Well, I got to looking at scrapbooking stuff at work a couple nights ago and discovered that a bunch of stuff was on clearance, including some cute non-gender-specific baby things like little stickers and bits of background paper, etc. Then I realized that making a scrapbook baby book for this baby isn't going to be a problem because I've got lots of free time right now (hahaha) -- but what about Gumdrop's siblings? I bet I won't have time to make scrapbooks for them.

So I decided to buy four scrapbooks and make them all up now, with blanks to fill in later and places for applicable pictures, etc.

But even the scrapbooks that were on clearance were at least $10 each. And that would be $40 just for the books! And those were books that only had 10 pages. Not shiny.

Then I realized if I was going to make the baby book myself, why couldn't I make the scrapbook myself? So I got four 3-ring binders with 1" spines for $2 each and 100 clear top-loading sleeve-pages for about $8. I got 100 pretty pastel baby-like background pages for $12.50. Which means I basically got four 25-page scrapbooks for $28.50. And you might point out that that's only saving myself $11.50, but the other ones just had plain white pages -- you had to add your own nifty pages anyway.

Now, I might not make them 25 pages, but if I want to I can. :-D Went ahead and bought myself a new calligraphy pen and some clear photo corners too. This could be a very fun project!


  1. See, via your blog, I've learned that you've gone from no plan to have a baby very soon to a reasonable expectation of having four babies. I did not know that.

    If it weren't for the stupid ultrasound I could taunt you with the possibility that you'd have four babies all at once and use up all your scrapbooks!

  2. See, via your blog, I've learned that you've gone from no plan to have a baby very soon to a reasonable expectation of having four babies. I did not know that.

    Back before we were even engaged, Cowboy and I discussed kids and how many we wanted to have. We both agreed we wanted at least two, as "only children" can tend to be spoiled brats. He wanted a big family, I wanted a small one (gee, wonder what kinds we both came from?), and eventually we agreed that we'd have two kids for sure, then see if we felt we could handle another. If, after having three, we felt we could handle one more, we would have a fourth. We've settled on four as an upper limit because that's now many hands we have together. So all that was agreed upon long before we ever stopped using birth control.

    We also agreed we wanted to wait at least three years before trying to have kids, so we could get used to being married and to each other first. We would have started sooner except for some complications and me having to have some tests that you already kinda know about.

    So what I'm trying to say is, this isn't a sudden decision on our part, this has been our plan all along ;-) I'm making four scrapbooks because that's the upper limit we're planning to have (God could always, of course, play a practical joke on us and send me twins in my fourth pregnancy or something, but twins don't really run in either of our families). :-D

  3. The waiting and the eventual kids were all part of the plan, but you never even sounded extremely keen on having that first baby, so I didn't know you wanted more. I have to think buying the four scrapbooks may be an unconscious tactic for four babies. Because you can tell him, "See, the marginal cost of another baby is less since we already have this scrapbook!"

    Just don't let him see this article or he'll be requesting further economic analysis before you can have your second...

  4. you never even sounded extremely keen on having that first baby

    Still aren't. Not very fond of babies. Just have to remind myself they turn into children fairly quickly.

    I have to think buying the four scrapbooks may be an unconscious tactic for four babies.

    I think it's me and my extreme planning-ahead thing. Like I've been going through all my stuff and getting rid of a bunch of junk, and just dug out a big round popcorn tin decorated with Noah's Ark that I have been saving since high school because it will make a perfect trash can for a kid's room.


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