
Monday, March 20, 2006

Just when you think being an overnight stocker for Wal-Mart is the most boring job in the universe...we have a bomb threat! Around 5:30 this morning, they announced that we all needed to evacuate the building in a calm and orderly fashion through the nearest exit. Being the obstinate third-shifters that we are, and knowing that it's like 20 degrees outside, we all walked to the break room and got our coats in a calm and orderly fashion. Our manager must have been anticipating this move, because she was in the break room too, and told us to just punch out and go home, because we were mostly done with tonight's work anyway. It might turn out they need to pay us for this lost time, but she wasn't sure.

When we got outside, there were a couple cop cars outside the doors with rude flashing lights and polite policemen making sure no one went back inside. So I got in the Bubblecar and drove home. Not only do I get an extra hour to spend with my favorite Cowboy, but I got to see part of an excruciatingly beautiful sunrise as I drove home. Honestly, if you painted a sunset like that, they would accuse you of being gaudy and unrealistic.

So I have no idea what the bomb threat was all about, but it was definitely a more exciting end to my night of work than I'd anticipated!

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