
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Guess what I'm eating right now? Pirates of the Caribbean fruit snacks! Very yummy. And I just found out they make PotC cereal too! Gotta get me some of that. So I can eat breakfast across the table from Jack, of course. Except we usually just put the cereal boxes back in the cupboard after we pour our cereal, not carry them to the table with us. For Johnny Depp, we will have to make an exception, obviously.

Lalalalala, I can hardly wait until July 7th for the new Pirates movie. Got to see the preview, and it just looks riproariously fun!

Actually, this entire post is just an excuse to eat fruit snacks and post a pic of Cap'n Jack Sparrow...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that's just plain weird timing! I actually hid my box of Corn Flakes that has ROTS pictures on it this weekend, cuz I didn't want the kids to find it and eat it all and then I wouldn't be able to look at the box pictures myself while I ate the cereal later this week. If I'd had POTC cereal, Beth would have absconded with the entire box!! (huge JD fan, there)


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