
Saturday, November 05, 2005

I am amused. The theater here in Ruralburg obviously employs someone who needs to work on their spelling skills...according to the marquee, they're showing "The History of Vilolence" right now. What makes it really funny is that they actually have two marquees on opposite sides of the building...and both of them have the same error...

In NanoNews, got in 2,726 words tonight. It was more of a struggle than it has been the last couple nights though. Could this be the the beginning of a new phase, one full of agonized staring at the screen while my fingers find no words? Or might it just be caused by too little sleep, having to drive Cowboy to work in the rain, and then taking a shower, rather than heading straight to the keyboard like I have on previous nights? Hmm. Guess we shall see, eh?

I think I'll definitely try NaNoWriMo next year, and not go on vacation the last week in November. Doing this in four weeks must be so nice, instead of three like I'm trying.


  1. "Vilolence" sounds like some kind of shade of purple.

    Too funny that it's misspelled TWICE.

  2. Yeah, and they haven't changed it yet! I guess no one else has noticed...

  3. Okay, here's what I'm doing on vacation:

    TUES Fly to NC after working all night. Try to maintain lucid conversational with family

    WED Go cut down a Christmas tree in the morning, decorate it in the afternoon. Thanksgiving Eve Service that night, and we're doing Christmas presents early after that

    THU Drive to Myrtle Beach. Hang out there all of FRI and SAT too. Go to a few live shows, go shopping, go out to eat, maybe go see the new Harry Potter movie

    SUN Drive back to NC. Go see "Legend of Zorro" with a friend that evening.

    MON Spend the morning and afternoon with Freestargirl and Jewels. Spend supper and the evening with our friends L&L.

    TUE Fly back to WI again.

    Plus, Mom just called me tonight and announced that their computer crashed and they can't seem to resucitate it.

    Basically, I just want to spend all my time on this vacation with my fam and friends, because I rarely get to see them. Alas, I'm not Jane Austen--not good at the writing-while-people-are-around thing.


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